Thank you for using our services. If you have decided to delete your account, we understand and respect your decision. Please follow the steps below to initiate the account deletion process.

Account Deletion Process:

  1. Login to Farms2Home Mobile Application
  2. Navigate to Account Settings:
    • Once logged in, go to your account settings. Look for an option related to account deletion request.
  3. Initiate Account Deletion:
    • Locate the “Delete Account” option within the account settings. Click on it to start the account deletion process.
  4. Review Terms and Conditions:
    • Take a moment to review any terms and conditions related to account deletion. Ensure you understand the consequences, if any.
  5. Submit Request:
    • Complete the process by submitting your account deletion request. This action may be irreversible, so make sure you are certain about your decision.

Thank you for being a part of Farms2Home!

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